The planning department oversees residential, commercial and industrial development within the city limits. Planning staff serve to administer the City's comprehensive plan and zoning and subdivision ordinances. Staff reviews all site plans for commercial, industrial and multi-family residential development.
Planning staff provides support to the Hermiston Planning Commission and Hermiston City Council. The planning commission reviews and approves conditional use permits, variances and minor partitions. In addition, the planning commission also reviews and makes recommendations to the city council for all annexations, comprehensive plan amendments, rezones, subdivisions, subdivision replats and major partitions. In addition to supporting the planning commission, planning staff administratively approves all site plans and minor variances.
The planning commission meets on the second Wednesday of each month. All applications must be submitted to the planning department at least one month prior to the desired planning commission meeting. Staff recommends that persons interested in submitting an application for any of the above listed procedures visit the planning office and consult with staff prior to submitting an application. Office hours for the planning department are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Hermiston population by fiscal year (86 KB)
Marijuana and Smoke Shop guidelines (948 KB)
Mobile Vendor Guidelines Yearly license (182 KB)
Mobile Vendor Guidelines 90 day license (182 KB)
Public Works Standards, Technical Specifications, and Standard Drawings (8 MB)
2024_subdivisions_status.pdf (79 KB)